How secure is your network?

Our cybersecurity detection and protection services help to keep your systems secure.  

Infrastructure Security Testing

Asking certified testers like us to hack your systems will help ensure that you will stand strong in the face of hostile attacks. We can carry out all penetration tests remotely, which results in significant cost savings and a higher level of ongoing protection. You can expect specific and detailed reporting on all vulnerabilities, attack vectors and issues that we find in your systems.

Wireless Security Testing

The convenience of Wi-Fi networks can come at a significant cost to your business. Hackers often look at wireless networks as a way to break in and dig around undetected. We specialise in scrutinising wireless networks and can help you keep yours as secure as possible. Our service provides real-world feedback on your network’s security.

Application Security Testing

o   Web Applications

o   Mobile Applications – iOS and Android

o   Application Programming Interface (API)

When was the last time you tested the defences of your application?

Do you need more than your IT company's assurances?

Then why not commission a thorough Penetration test for your organisation?

Our cybersecurity detection and protection services help to keep your systems secure.  

With everything carried out by CREST / Cyber Essentials Registered Testers, we use the same methods that criminals use to hunt for vulnerabilities and exploit your systems, providing you with fast and detailed feedback on how to keep your systems safe.  

Infrastructure Security Testing.

Wireless Security Testing.

Application Security Testing.

We will even 'ghost' onto you premises and attempt to plant a device to allow us into the network - are live network points available to us? There's one way to find out!